Monday, October 12, 2009


The Fort- Dauphin church planting mission went really well with a new church established. As at now it has a membership of around 70 adults. Duncan and Rev. Donne spearheaded the team in doing the groundwork and a wonderful job was done. We joined them later on to boost the workforce in the areas of person to person and open air evangelism and many gave their lives to Christ.

Right now the church is considering buying a land and constructing a permanent church structure. They are meeting in a classroom for the time being.

Currently Duncan and I are back to our base in Toliara and Rev.Donne is in charge of the parish and being assisted by one of the local evangelists, Tomboasy to continue the work that began there. Glory be to God.

Other new fellowship groups are beginning in Motombe and Beravy areas which are not very far from Toliara which will culminate to fully fledged churches soon.

At the moment we are exploring the possibility of starting a new church in Morombe which is around 300km, North of Toliara. Pray for the leading of the Holy Spirit in that direction.

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