It has now been one year and four months since I left Kenya to come to Madagascar to serve as a missionary.
I am busy organizing a three-day crusade in a place called Anketraka from the 24th to 26th of this month and the plans are advancing well.
In July I preached on two different Sundays in one of our churches in Andaromena and due to that, plans are underway to launch a new church this year that is to be under the Andaromena church as well as to organize an evangelistic mission in Andaromena in November since a temporal church structure is presently being built there which should be ready by November.
I need your prayers because I intend to be very aggressive in church-planting and evangelism. The lack of a public address system is a challenge since where I need to do evangelism is far and thus I need to rent the P. A system
Lack of personnel is still a big problem. I was telling the Bishop here that I want to do at least two church- plants this year but he told me to only do one partly because we do not have people to take care of the new churches!
Last but not least Reverend Alfred Apela should be landing in the capital of Madagascar next Monday to later embark on a 900km journey by matatu to Toliara where he will be the guest speaker in a youth conference that Victor has organized. Pray for his safe journey and especially that God may use him to make an impact on the youth here. He will be a ground- breaker.
I hope many others from Kenya will come to minister here in Toliara in future.
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