Friday, April 25, 2008

Toliara, Madagascar

Madagascar is an island in the Indian Ocean in Southern Africa, east of Mozambique. It has a tropical climate and a population of 20 million people with a median age of 18 years. It is one of the poorest countries in Africa, with a per capita GDP of $1,000 USD.

Toliara in Southwest Madagascar is the capital of the Atsimo-Andrefana region and the Toliara Province. It is a port city that imports/exports commoditites such as sisal, soap, hemp, cotton, rice, and peanuts. The Toliara Region is the poorest region in the whole of Madagascar and one of the least-reached areas with the gospel in the world. The people in the region are subsistence farmers and speak Malagasy. The widespread religion is African Traditional Religion, and the Toliara Region has only 11 parishes and covers over 1000 miles with just 3 ordained clergy. The need for trained missionaries and evangelists is overwhelming. There are insufficient personnel, especially in the areas of worship, discipleship, and evangelism. For the church in Toliara to grow, foreign missionaries are required.

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