Friday, April 25, 2008

About Duncan

Duncan Macharia grew up in Nairobi, Kenya and developed a Christian faith with a heart for evangelism and a desire to see people come to Christ. He studied Theology at Carlile College in Nairobi and has extensive experience in parish ministry and open-air preaching. After much prayer, Duncan felt called to go to Toliara in Madagascar to train evangelists and do church-planting. He has been commissioned by Church Army Africa and appointed by the Province of the Anglican Church of Kenya and the Bishop of Toliara Region to do this work. Toliara is a remote place and the work there is demanding since the region is very large, over 1000 miles. Duncan is excited about serving the Lord in a new place, please pray for his ministry in Toliara.

Contact Duncan in Toliara, Madagascar at:

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