Dear Friends,
This year started really well for me but on January the tenth my enthusiasm was dampened!
Four years ago i got an infection after i went for a haircut in Nairobi. I tried different medications but the infection turned out really hard to get rid of and continued to spread all over my head until my Bishop last year told me to do something about it.
So I went to the mail government hospital in Toliara and a doctor prescribed me with some medication that I needed to purchase and he then told me to go back on January 10th for some treatment
So I went for the treatment and the doctor put me under anesthetic on my head and then subjected me for radiation. I have made a slow recovery since then but it is not fully healed as is taking a lot of time. So please pray for me that god would comfort me and help me to get a full recovery.
As well as dealing with that situation, the meteorologists issued an alert that there was a cyclone building up on the Mozambique channel and they predicted that it would hit the western side of Madagascar too.
I currently live in Toliara which is a coastal town on the south west of Madagascar.
God was gracious and even though Toliara was hit by the cyclone it only prolonged heavy rainfall for some days. However, Morondava, which is a coastal town to the north of Toliara and a place which i went for successful missions last year, bore the brunt of the cyclone. Buildings were destroyed, the roof of the house that i stayed in was blown off. It was devastating.

Pray therefore for us missionaries here in Madagascar, for god to keep us safe and that we would be able to cope with any natural disasters that occur each year.
Then as if these set backs were not enough, on January the 25th a political crises erupted in Madagascar that has led to several strikes, looting, property being vandalized and people being killed and this is still going on. The aim has been to remove the president here. It has all been very shocking and disturbing.
Pray for the restoration of peace here in Madagascar so that we can continue to minister unimpeded.
I would also like to thank you all for your prayers and continued support. Please keep praying and also give thanks to God for what He is doing in my life, using me for His good works and for changing me during my time here all for His glory.
God bless